April 2017 MHCA Board Meeting Minutes

Chuck Kreimendahl Wednesday May 17, 2017

MIDVALE HEIGHTS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY April 25, 2017, 6:45 pm SEQUOYA LIBRARY Present: E. Rogers, C. Kreimendahl, P. Schell, D. Lamb, T. Trapp, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter, S. Fitzsimmons, K. Reuter-Krohn Also present: Dave Blouin (partial)

1. Rogers called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m.

2. Minutes of the March, 2017 meetings reviewed. Motion/second to approve. Motion carried.

3. Treasurer Rotter detailed the Account Balance/Transaction Reports reflecting account/asset balance of $49,762.27. Rogers announced that Nancy has MHCA-supported web page about Bison Prairie/Pollinators projects. Link will be made available on the MHCA website.

4. Summer Concert Series discussed by Lamb who again confirmed 3 of the 4 bands for July dates. Food cart permit will be half price. Requesting 4 carts and donation from vendors toward permit fee. Committee met to work out logistics and advertising.

5. Membership Messenger newsletter/member recruitment will be published by Lamb, but she needs help in May stuffing and distributing. Possible theme for this year’s member drive discussed. Membership will be further publicized at Neighborhood Watch meetings/events.

6. Discount cards inquiry came from Paul Haskew about new initiatives from Board members such as expanding the business listings. Consensus that current program works. Rogers will contact Paul who offered to update the discount card for this year. Suggestions of additional member benefits such as wine tasting or some partnering with UW/Research Park raised.

7. Rogers outlined the request from Westmorland Neighborhood Association for us to donate to their Fourth of July celebration. Motion/second to table request in the absence of Dave Blouin. Motion failed. Motion/second to donate $500 to Westmorland. Motion carries.

Blouin later arrived to describe Fourth event, thank MHCA, and promise to cross-promote WNA and MHCA summer events such as the Segoe Concert series.

8. Rogers identified Metcalfe’s Sentry charitable arm “Second Helping” which contacted him about making MHCA the charity of the month for May, 2017, whereby all residents/shoppers showing the special barcode will receive a 5% discount on purchases. Metcalfe’s will donate to MHCA an amount equal to all such customers’ savings. A newsletter article and blast email to all members will encourage them to take advantage of this program.

Lamb asks about picnic. Rogers reports that it is on schedule, with postcard invitations to all residents coming soon.

Rogers touts his property sales reports as a means to identify and welcome new neighbors in MHCA.

Jarvis reports that some scammer/hacker harvested website email addresses. He may need to dispose of Board members forwarding addresses and just use standard MHCA Board addresses.

Meeting adjourned at @ 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by C. Kreimendahl, Secy.

Permalink: http://www.midvaleheights.org/blogpost160-April-2017-MHCA-Board-Meeting-Minutes