November 2012 Area Directors' Meeting Minutes

cabunge Saturday December 8, 2012
Midvale Heights Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
November 27, 2012

Present: G. Poulson, J. Thoreson (presiding), P. Schell, D. Lamb, C. Bunge, P. Haskew, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter, J. Chipault, J. Lager, K. Reuter-Krohn

Also present: Nan Lager, Cathy Rotter, Arthur Ross, Jason Butler, Ed Rogers, Laura Brown, Janice Gary, Maurice Cheeks

1. Call to order: J. Thoreson called the meeting to order, and those present introduced themselves. As he introduced himself, Maurice Cheeks announced his intent to run for Alder and told a little about himself.

2. Bison Prairie/bike path area: As a special order of business, J. Thoreson introduced Arthur Ross, Madison Pedestrian-Bicycle Coordinator, who gave some information and ideas concerning possible City–funded amenities at the Bison Prairie Gateway. Possibilities included a water fountain, benches, and a bike repair stand. Discussion followed. Laura Brown, Janice Gary, R. Rotter, G. Poulson, and J. Thoreson volunteered to work with Arthur Ross to develop further ideas to bring to the Board and to the neighborhood.

3. Minutes: The minutes of the Board meeting of September 25, 2012 and of the 2012 Annual Meeting were approved as distributed, with a correction on the spelling of G. Poulson’s name in the Annual Meeting minutes.

4. Treasurer’s report: R. Rotter distributed a printed Treasurer’s report, showing a cash and bank-account balance of $27,764.82. Brief discussion followed.

5. Election of officers: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to elect the following officers: J. Thoreson, President; C. Kreimendahl, Vice President; G. Poulson, Secretary; R. Rotter, Treasurer.

6. County Supervisor report: Carousel Bayrd did not attend the meeting, and there was no county report.

7. Alder report: Brian Solomon did not attend the meeting, and there was no alder report.

8. Membership subcommittee: P. Haskew asked for assistance in conducting the annual membership drive. He indicated that he would continue to rely on help from R. Rotter, T. Jarvis, G. Fischer, and F. Stautz. In addition, P. Schell and D. Lamb volunteered to help.

9. Wine tasting event: D. Lamb indicated that she had gathered some information and had formed some thoughts about a wine tasting event for the neighborhood. She had established a tentative date of March 2013. After a brief discussion, she indicated that she would keep working on the matter.

10. Mayor’s Neighborhood Conference: D. Lamb reported on her attendance at the Mayor’s Neighborhood Conference.

11. Other business and announcements: D. Lamb announced that the deadline for the next issue of the newsletter was December 15. Ed Rogers and Jason Butler agreed to consider representing Areas 11 and 13 on the Board.

12. Adjournment: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to adjourn the meeting.

Charles Bunge, Secretary
