
MHCA Area Directors' meeting minutes

September 2012 Area Directors' Meeting Minutes

cabunge Tuesday October 2, 2012

Midvale Heights Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
September 25, 2012


Present: G. Poulson, J. Thoreson (presiding), P. Schell, D. Lamb, C. Bunge, T. Jarvis, R. Rotter, J. Sherwood, F. Stautz, J. Lager

Also present: Nan Lager, Jenny Chipault

1. Call to order: J. Thoreson called the meeting to order, and those present introduced themselves. Jenny Chipault expressed willingness to consider replacing J. Gary as Area 12 Board member.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the Board meetings of June 26, 2012 and August 28, 2012 were approved as distributed, with a correction on the spelling of G. Poulson’s name in the August 28 minutes.

3. Treasurer’s report: R. Rotter distributed a printed Treasurer’s report, showing a cash and bank-account balance of $28,276.90. Brief discussion followed.

4. County Supervisor report: Carousel Bayrd did not attend the meeting, and there was no county report.

5. Alder report: Brian Solomon did not attend the meeting, and there was no alder report.

6. Green Team: Nan Langer reported that the cleanup of the Tokay median flower beds was scheduled for October 13. There was some discussion about the amount of work and replanting that would be needed, due to the recent curb and pavement work. C. Bunge reported that there had been some vandalism to the Bison at the Bison Prairie Gateway. Someone had painted graffiti on them. Janice Gary had been in touch with Paul Haskew and Bill Grover about the matter, and repair work would be attempted.

7. Annual Meeting plans: D. Lamb indicated that plans were in place for the Annual Meeting. Mayor Paul Soglin would speak, the SAIL people would make a presentation, and the business meeting would be held. The order of events was discussed. D. Lamb volunteered to provide cookies and cider, and G. Poulson agreed to get coffee.

8. Mayor’s Neighborhood Conference: D. Lamb discussed the value of the annual Mayor’s Neighborhood Conference and urged Board members to consider attending.

9. Other business and announcements: G. Poulson announced that the polling place for voting in the November election was likely to be changed, with the Sequoya Branch Library being a possible site. D. Lamb indicated that she thought the Association should sponsor more social events, particularly a wine tasting party. Other Board members responded positively, mentioning events that would recognize local talent in the neighborhood. One member suggested a suggestion box for the Annual Meeting, where members could place suggestions for Association events.

10. Adjournment: Motion was made, seconded, and passed to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Charles Bunge, Secretary